PDF Making Strategies in Spatial Planning Knowledge and Values 9 (Urban and Landscape Perspectives)
You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. PDF Making Strategies in Spatial Planning Knowledge and Values 9 (Urban and Landscape Perspectives), this is a great books that I think are not only fun to read but also very educational.
Book Details :
Published on: 2010-09-11
Released on: 2010-09-11
Original language:
This provocative collection of essays challenges traditional ideas of strategic s- tial planning and opens up new avenues of analysis and research. The diversity of contributions here suggests that we need to rethink spatial planning in several f- reaching ways. Let me suggest several avenues of such rethinking that can have both theoretical and practical consequences. First, we need to overcome simplistic bifurcations or dichotomies of assessing outcomes and processes separately from one another. To lapse into the nostalgia of imagining that outcome analysis can exhaust strategic planners’ work might appeal to academics content to study ‘what should be’, but it will doom itself to further irrelevance, ignorance of politics, and rationalistic, technocratic fantasies. But to lapse into an optimism that ‘good process’ is all that strategic planning requires, similarly, rests upon a ction that no credible planning analyst believes: that enough talk will miraculously transcend con ict and produce agreement. Neither sing- minded approach can work, for both avoid dealing with con ict and power, and both too easily avoid dealing with the messiness and the practicalities of negotiating out con icting interests and values – and doing so in ethically and politically critical ways, far from resting content with mere ‘compromise’. Second, we must rethink the sanctity of expertise. By considering analyses of planning outcomes as inseparable from planning processes, these accounts help us to see expertise and substantive analysis as being ‘on tap’, ready to put into use, rather than being particularly and technocratically ‘on top’. Welcome to Docomomo International "The Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) presents What About Happiness on the Building Site? On view in the CCAs Octagonal Gallery from 9 February until 14 May ... Mobile Menu - Publisher's Website About us. John Benjamins Publishing Company is an independent family-owned academic publisher headquartered in Amsterdam The Netherlands. Founded over 50 years ago ... Conservation biology - Wikipedia Origination of Conservation Biology. The term conservation biology and its conception as a new field originated with the convening of "The First International ... SSH - Master Planning Master Planning. SSH has extensive experience in carrying out early project stages including Pre-development Studies Zoning & Feasibility Studies Master Planning ... FAU Catalog - College for Design and Social Inquiry College for Design and Social Inquiry. Bachelor's Program Information Combined Program Information Master's Program Information Doctoral Program Information Systems approaches Climate-Smart Agriculture Guide This module describes how a gradual transition to climate smart agriculture (CSA) can take place. The first section describes the landscape approach and explains why ... Books - NYU Press NYU Press Publisher of academic books and electronic media publishing for general interest and in a wide variety of fields. Sustainable development - Wikipedia Sustainable development is defined as a process of meeting human development goals while sustaining the ability of natural systems to continue to provide the natural ... XDGA The office of Xaveer De Geyter Architects (XDGA) concentrates not only on architectural realizations but also on urban projects not limited by one particular field ... Education World: Table of Contents The number before each standard serves as a classifcation code. The first letter designates the type of standard the second group of letters describes the subject ...
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